Ideas synthesized from Assessing Student Learning: a common sense guide, 2nd edition by Linda Suskie and Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, 2nd edition by Thomas A. Angelo & K. Patricia Cross.
All ECC course outlines are to be revised so that they all contain appropriate Course Goals(i.e., the SLOs of the course) and corresponding Measurable Course Performance Objectives (MPOs) and follow a prescribed format. The steps that must be taken in the course outline revision process are as follows:
Members of the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Team (SLOAT) at ECC are assigned the task of determining the level of student mastery of various SLOs (i.e., Course Goals and all associated MPOs, General Education Goals if applicable, and Program Goals if applicable) specific to their SLOAT course. Every semester SLOAT members design and implement an assessment plan in order to collect SLO and related data, which is analyzed to find out how well students are learning the essential skills and content of that particular course, which have been specified on the Course Outline. Course-specific findings are reported every semester in SLOAT Final Reports.
Each link below will open a pdf file which will contain SLO assessment information [i.e., SLOAT member contact information, Course Outline, SLO Assessment Summary Sheet, SLOAT SLO Assessment Plan(s), and Final Report(s)] relative to that course.